Jumat, 07 April 2017

CAR - 7

Citation: Zahibi, Reza., Pordel, Mojtaba. (2011). An investigation of critical reading in reading textbooks: a qualitative analysis, international education studies, 4(3): 80-87.

     The aim of this study is to investigate and identify whether reading textbooks improves the students’ critical reading or not. This study used three textbooks, that are: Select Reading Upper-Intermediate, Active Skills for Reading Book 4, and Mosaic Reading 2. This study used a qualitative analysis. However this study does not use classroom action research as the methodology, but the topic of this study still in line with my concern that is critical reading.
     In the introduction part, the researchers stated that some experts have indicators in critical reading, but the did not mention those critical reading indicators. So, it did not give me clear explanation related to the critical reading indicators. However, this study is not only talking about critical reading, but it discusses things related to critical reading, those are: critical thinking and creative thinking. Because those three things are related each other.
    The researchers explain in creative thinking some goals those are creative thinking in education is to build the students are able in doing a new activity and education is an activity which could make the students able to be critical, verify, and accept everything they are offered. While in critical thinking the researcher's stated that students are able to look at a problem from the new perspective. In the critical reading, the purpose of reading is used to search the information in the text and make a critique due to the text.
   Actually, the students' comprehension of reading a text is not the only final goal of critical reading strategy, but it can be the main point where the students start to their critical discussions.
In the result discussion part, the researchers provide the analysis of the three textbooks. First, they do the analysis to the Select Reading Upper-intermediate book. Based on this book, the researchers conclude that the first thing the students must do in critical reading activity is reading the chapter title, the next step is reading the text itself, after reading the text the students are asked to understand the text and discuss the issue of that text.
    The second analysis is for Active skills for Reading: Book 4. Based on tihis book the nost important skill in reading a text is scanning. Because the writer of this book beliefes it can develope the students’ critical awareness. And the researchers suggest that doing critical reading activity is not suitable for ESP students. The third analysis is Mosaic Reading 2 book. This book is concern in decoding word and sentences of unknown words.
    In the conclusion, the researcher suggest that a book which promotes critical tinking and critical reading depends on the kinds of materials, task and exercise rather than the way the techer handle the classroom. Also, conducting thecritical reading activity is important in reading classroom for the students.
    For my future classroom, I think it will need more time to do analysis in choosing which is the most suitable book for my students. however tis activity is good and give possitive impact in the teaching and learning activity. But it will be bette if there is a team in my future school who has duty to do analysis in a book that will be used.

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