Minggu, 26 Februari 2017

CCU - 1

Citation: Shao, Kun., Tamashiro, Roy. (2015). Comparing teacher disposition inChina and the USA, research in higher education journal: 1-7.

The purpose of this study is to find the similarity and difference in teacher dispositions in school in the USA and in China. The teacher’ role in China society is a bit paradox. They are greatly respected by the society but extremely pressured by the parents and the school. While in the USA provides more narratives about the public esteem, social status, and recognition they received.
After reading this journal, I learn that there are some similarities and differences in teacher disposition. The similarity of teacher dispositions in both countries are the teachers are interested in gaining a new knowledge and competence in technology. They believe that the professional development should be continued. The main differences are both those countries are affected by the different cultures, environment, parenting style, and teacher attitude.

CAR - 1

Citation: Marzuki., Prayogo, Johanner., and Wahyudi, Arwajati. (2016). Improving the EFL learners' speaking ability through interactive storytelling, dinamika ilmu, 16 (1): 15-35.

The purpose of this research is to improve the EFL students' speaking ability using the implementation of interactive storytelling which is related to their daily activities.

In the introduction part, the researchers wrote that there are so many researchers who take speaking in their research. Since they think speaking is the most important skill. Also, some of the students think that having good speaking skill is the main indicator they are good in English.

On the next paragraph, the researchers stated that some researchers which have done in Indonesia were facing some difficulties. Many students were unmotivated in practicing their speaking while the teaching-learning process. Another difficulty is they got difficulties in expressing their ideas in English.

After knowing those difficulties, the researchers were used on the suitable strategy to be applied in the classroom. so, the students can learn how to speak English well and express their ideas freely.

Next, the researchers gave an example, there was a school which located in Bombana, Indonesia., the students at that school had a low speaking ability. the students were difficult to express their ideas. Then, the researchers applied an interactive speaking strategy to improve their speaking.

Most of the students in Bombana are interested in listening for their teacher telling stories, especially folktale sometimes. They tell folktale to their friend.It is believed that using folktale in interactive storytelling strategy for speaking activity is appropriate to improve EFL students' speaking ability.

Senin, 20 Februari 2017

new semester!

Today was the first day in this six semester and it is the first time I use this blog again after the long holiday. Well... happy new year everyone! may what we have planed for this year comes true! actually, I have so many plans duringmy last holiday, but I just done nothing. so, at the early of this semester I feel I have nothing to do. I have no idea yet for my proposal about the classroom action research. I just try to find the suitable journals for my CAR project in this semester and I hope I can find the suitable one soon. I wish this semester gonna be mine and yours too, guys! 😉